Speaker Switch Owners Manual (SPKR7)

ContentsNoticesGetting StartedSpeaker WiringNetwork SetupGeneral SetupAdvanced SetupOperatingHelp

Advanced Setup

Accessing Advanced Settings
Enabling/Disabling SSH

Accessing Advanced Settings

CAUTION: You should not use or change the advanced settings unless you understand: There are two advanced options pages. Normally these pages are not reachable and there are no tabs visible for them either. Advanced settings are found in two pages, the "Advanced" page and the "Updates" page.

☑The "Advanced" page allows: ☑The "Updates" page allows:
Access to the pages is available by clicking on the "Options" tab, scrolling down to the bottom of the page and then clicking on the "Show Advanced" button. The button will change to "Hide Advanced". At the same time, the two tabs will appear and become accessible.

Accessing Advanced Settings

CAUTION: You should not use or change the advanced settings unless you understand:
There are two advanced options pages. Normally these pages are not reachable and there are no tabs visible for them either. Access to the pages is made available by clicking on the "Options" tab, scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking on the "Show Advanced" button.

The picture below shows the "Options" page button that needs to be clicked in order to show the advanced tabs.

Show Advanced
The picture below shows the menu with the "Advanced" and "Update" tabs showing.

Advanced Menu

Enabling/Disabling SSH

You can enable SSH on the speaker switch. When SSH is enabled, computers may make SSH connections to the speaker switch and then use LINUX commands to change the running configuration of the speaker switch. It is also possible to use SCP to transfer files to and from the speaker switch.

CAUTION: You should not enable SSH unless you understand the risks associated with Internet security and SSH:
WARNING: Making changes to any files on the speaker switch may cause it to become inoperable and may not be recoverable. Do NOT make changes to the file system unless instructed to do so by katoombasound technical support.
To enable SSH, go to the "Advanced" page, check the "Enable SSH" tick box and apply changes. Disable SSH by unchecking the "Enable SSH" tick box and applying the changes.

Enable SSH
To login to the speaker switch via SSH, use the following credentials: You can find the processor by viewing the "Processor" field directly below the "Enable SSH" check box.


The "Advanced" page shows a "Processor" field that is a drop down list box. When the speaker switch is operating correctly there is no need to change the processor and the processor is automatically set.



The "Advanced" page shows an "Actions" section that has six (6) buttons that allow carrying out various tasks. A picture of the page section is shown below.

The button functions are as follows:


The Software Updates pages allows for downloading and applying (installing) software update files (.tar) and CSS files (.css). Katoomba Sound may release software updates that improve the operation or visual presentation of the speaker switch. It is also possible to create custom CSS (cascading style sheets) files that enhance the visual presentation of the speaker switch. Updates that come from Katoomba Sound will be tarballs (*.tar). CSS files will be *.css. WARNING: Do NOT download or apply files unless they are genuine Katoomba Sound file packages. Or, ensure that any CSS files have all of the needed attributes that will guarantee correct web page operations.
Steps to download and install Katoomba Sound updates include: